20 Jan The Middle
Hey y’all,
So I did a thing. I decided to participate in the life I was living and was genuinely surprised by how much effort it required. I went back to school, I quit my job and I gave up the dream I had for myself to make room for what God has purposed for me. I did a thing ….and then nothing happened. I think they forget to tell you what it really means to follow your calling. This boulder gets placed in your chest and you can’t find any relief until you do exactly what it is your heart is crying out for you to do. It seems poetic, but most of the time it just sucks.
Understanding the Middle
We have to remember that we can’t trust our own eyes. We find ourselves knee deep in a life we don’t recognize, a life that doesn’t look like the dream we were promised and it can causes us to panic. It causes us to doubt. This place of transition or the perceived appearance of stagnation will kill our hope if we let it. Another birthday flies in and out, the calendar announces a new year and you start to believe it’s too late. It is not too late. You haven’t missed it. You’re right there, exactly where you’re supposed to be. The question is what are you going to do with this time? Wanting more does not make you ungrateful. However wasting the middle, means you are wasting your grace. You can’t rush through it. You have to remember that the middle is a part of the dream too.
Surviving the Middle
There are times when I have to remind myself to look up and not out. I had to learn that comparison is a dangerous game. It sneaks in so effortlessly. What started out as a harmless stroll through someone’s social media page will have you forgetting that you’re only watching the highlight reel. You don’t truly know the story because it’s not your story. You can’t compare what you think you see happening in the lives of others to the stage you’re growing through. Your journey is designed with only you in mind. If you’re really going to do it His way, you’re going to have it do it in His time. Get really clear about who you are. Set your heart- set your EYES on where you are going. When I started to realize I would have to leave my job it didn’t make sense to me. I was doing well and really passionate about the mission but I knew I needed to make room for what was coming. I’ve bounced between so many places that the thought of moving on to something else began to ignite old insecurities about my abilities and what I had to offer. Finally I realized that the only thing wrong with me is that I’ve been ignoring my gifts and not being true to who God says I am. I believe what He said about me. It doesn’t matter who else sees it. Inside of me is a kingdom.
Embracing the Middle
You have to make a choice in this. We can’t always control what happens but we have full reign over how we respond. Grow through it. Love through it. Cry through it when you need to. Just be here now. Take it all in. There is purpose in all of it.
Friend to friend, there are moments when I still have to awkwardly and painfully pull myself through. I think the perseverance comes from knowing that I haven’t reached the end. I’m not even close. I’m still in the middle. I had to quit idealizing what was a place of comfort in order to move into a space without limits. Purpose is uncomfortable. It’s not always easy. I don’t always feel like being patient. However, since the moment I traded in my comfort for my calling, I have finally discovered what it is to feel true peace.
What has your journey been like through the middle? Are you still there? Leave a comment of how you got through, or what you are doing to make the most of this time. I would really love to hear from you!
Posted at 18:13h, 20 JanuaryLOVE this post! I think the middle is where character is forged and self realization begins to manifest into self actualization. It forces you to be comfortable being uncomfortable. I’m still in the middle but my vision of the future, assurance of my purpose and trust in God is getting me through and giving me peace.
Shannon Rae
Posted at 09:13h, 21 JanuaryThat peace is worth everything! Its how you know you are following HIS will. Its not always easy but it is always worth it!
Jeremy Reid
Posted at 19:04h, 20 January“What started out as a harmless stroll through someone’s social media page will have you forgetting that you’re only watching the highlight reel.” Wow! This is so true. No one ever records or snaps ”the middle” we only see the other side of going through.
Having lost a child, my wife and I often and still find ourself and the why us line. Asking God why were we chosen to go through this “the middle” but we came to the realization that “He is still good and He is still God”.
This is great!
Shannon Rae
Posted at 09:19h, 21 JanuaryHe is still good and He is still God! I can’t imagine the why of it but I know he trusted you two to go through this knowing that you would be able to help others. Your testimony will restore faith or ignite faith just by the way you two travel through the middle. Love you both and praying always.
Posted at 20:06h, 20 JanuaryShannon, this was SO good!!! Thank you for your vulnerability and your obedience ❤️
Shannon Rae
Posted at 09:12h, 21 JanuaryThank you so much love!
Shayla Rhem
Posted at 20:14h, 20 JanuaryFriend, I’m still in the middle. I just reached the middle and not sure when I’ll be out. I’m highly uncomfortable. But what I’m learning about myself in this space is that I’m strong. Because I’m finally ok with taking things one moment at a time. You truly can’t handle the blessing if you don’t journey through the middle. That’s where the legend is born. Congratulations on your blog!! I’m already hooked.
Shannon Rae
Posted at 09:12h, 21 JanuaryYesss! ‘That is where the legend is born’! Its so true. There is both purpose and promise in the middle!
Bonita Davis
Posted at 20:27h, 20 JanuaryWoooooo Chile!!! You said a whole word here!!! It’s so easy to get discouraged in the middle, but you’re right, The middle is part of the journey too …thanks for the reminder
Shannon Rae
Posted at 09:12h, 21 JanuaryAnd THANK YOU for the constant support and inspiration!
LaTasia Wright
Posted at 23:24h, 20 JanuaryShannon, I’m so proud of you. Love this. I’m in the middle, I struggle with my will versus god’s will. I constantly have to remind myself to let go control.
Shannon Rae
Posted at 09:10h, 21 JanuaryThank you so much LaTasia! I have to constantly remind myself to release the control. That battle of will’s can be such a tough one! #GodGotUs
Danyielle Reevers
Posted at 09:25h, 21 JanuaryThis is truly amazing to be so untainted and naked. It’s relief to have that peace and something so real that speaks to you, I love it!
Shannon Rae
Posted at 09:40h, 22 JanuaryThank you so so much. I really can’t wait to read your book!
Vonda Smalls
Posted at 17:23h, 21 JanuaryGirlllll I needed this! As I go through this middle process I often get discouraged and try to rush to the end… and every time God steps in and places me back in the middle. I often compare my current to status to others and it really is a horrible thing to do. Thank you for this!! Love you.
Kaye Hayes
Posted at 09:11h, 22 JanuaryI appreciate your transparency and sharing your journey…..definitely gave me a boost of confidence to continue learning and discovering what’s next!
Shannon Rae
Posted at 09:39h, 22 JanuaryGo for it Kaye, whatever you what to learn or discover! The only things that don’t grow are dead and you are LIFE.
Krystal Gonzales
Posted at 09:28h, 22 JanuaryYou really just read my soul! I’m definitely in the middle. Trying to figure out what my purpose is honestly .Am I just suppose to be a great mom and wife? Will my family lack something while I’m out “finding myself”? Insecurities definitely get in the way of that and comparing my story to everyone’s highlight reels will keep me stagnant if I let it.
Shannon Rae
Posted at 11:50h, 22 JanuaryI am not a mother nor a wife but I believe one of the most valuable lessons my mother ever taught me is that investing in herself is the key to being the best thing for her family. She taught me self-love. I don’t think there is a greater gift. She went back to school while I was in school and in my eyes never missed a beat.
Takisha Hayes
Posted at 10:25h, 22 JanuaryWonderful, wonderful, wonderful! This blog is everything. I’m in a new middle-getting older is taking me through! I’m having to realize that everyone doesn’t really ‘need’ me anymore so I’m getting back to me. Having to add the mental, emotional and physical changes that goes along with this new journey of life is overwhelming but refreshing. Congratulations to you and all your new endeavors.
Shannon Rae
Posted at 11:55h, 22 JanuaryThank you so so much! Perhaps needing you, just looks different now. I am very grown up, but everything I do I still can’t wait to show my Mom and Dad. I need them differently but they remain just as important. I am so excited to see how you navigate your new middle and how getting back to you manifests in your life. Thank you for your support my love!!
Shimon Mwitolola
Posted at 10:04h, 26 JanuaryThe real challenge of “the middle” is self worth. We have deluded ourselves to find fake off bogus ways to feel good about ourselves, ways that are just not delivering the goods. People want to feel connected and loved, therefore more often than not, confuse sexuality with a deep sense of connectivity, it’s so funny that sex (in our world today) is referred to as making love. Sex does not make love, love makes sex, if a person is married, truly in love then they will have a very deep satisfying sexual life, but if a person is just having a sexual life they will feel empty after all that because they will still feel that the connection that they are craving for is only being accomplished in the superficial way without deeply committing to themselves and without deeply involving in a loving, sharing relationship. So how does a person really find self worth in “the middle”? The key to self worth is called service. When I am in service, and feel that my day has served to bring godly wisdom; godly kindness; godly peace; godly truth; compassion and love , then I feel so worth while because now I’m a tool being used in the hands of God to bring about important changes in the world.
Shannon Rae, so deep and profound! Thank you for admonishing us.